Welcome to @REN0GF


21, eng/ger
april aries


anime, games, alt music, art


fan wars, loud people, ignorance

Before you follow...

english isn't my first language, i switch interests quickly, sb to unf, ifb selectively, sometimes i unf accs that haven't been active in over a month, i sometimes post NSFW stuff, not spoiler free

Fave Animes

aot, jjk, bnha, sk8, saiki k, opm, kny, hq, jjba, naruto, great pretender

Fave Games

ffxv, ffvii, danganronpa, genshin impact, fe3h

Magda's Simp Train

dabi, kakashi, gojo, nagito, jeritza, cherry, reno, gladio, zhongli, kaeya, toji, noctis

Don't follow if...

you're under the age of 16 or over 27, proshipper, zoophile, racist, homophobe, transphobe, MAP, misogynist, like dbz, dudebro, conservative, ed or sh acc

( Made with Carrd )